In most cases people their 20’s makes a lot of mistakes which bring difficult life to them in their adult age . Well when your in your 20’s you feel invincible. Nothing can touch you or hurt you. You sometimes feels like you own the world and you want to enjoy to the fullest. In your late adolescent age , this is the time you will experience behavior problems. Most of the people and their various parents complain about each other. They want their parents to be clear and abide their boundaries and at the same time want to resent any restrictions on their growing freedom and ability to make decision for themselves.  These are some mistakes people in their 20’s makes that brings tough life;

  • Believing that Hedonism is Happiness – Being able to travel places, drinking expensive champagne, eat in expensive restaurants, flexing with jewellery and designer clothing etc. only looks good on Instagram. It’s not a guarantee that you’re really, truly happy. Many rich people are emotional and spiritually sad, while many of the poor lead fulfilling happy lives. Materialism and consumption is often the opposite of true happiness.


  • Never mastering their Emotions – I’m glad that I was an impulsive, depressed, emotional wreck in my twenties, because it taught me how invaluabe it is to control and learn from my emotions. If every wrong look or question throws you into a fit, or if you’re consumed by depression, or crippled by the fear of rejection or failure, then learn to master your emotions. Your emotions are either your most powerful allies, or your most fearsome enemies. Without mastering your emotions, no matter what other circumstances you have in your life, you are guaranteed to have a very tough


  •  Going to University WITHOUT a Plan – If you’re NOT studying law, medicine, or any other subject that will put you into a position of gaining a high-in-demand job, then don’t waste your time, energy and money on University. Before you enter into the education sector you have to make sure you have a place in plan which will help you achieve  you goals in life. Most people go to the University without a plan for their future which is a bad way in case you want to make it in life .  

  • Getting hooked on the “Party Lifestyle” – Everybody who’s been in their twenties knows that this phase of your life can be pretty…wild. And there’s nothing wrong with having fun, drinking a lot, meeting cool and interesting people or even doing “various and extensive research” with different substances. But sadly, a large percentage of people who enter their thirties, have made a habit out of using drugs or drinking excessively in their thirties. This will wreck havoc on their physical and mental health.

Party Life

  • Not Getting Rich –  How does that fit together? Didn’t I just tell you, that money can’t buy happiness? Of course money can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not dependent on how much money you have, but on how you communicate with yourself. But…Having no money or having to break your back in job that you hate just to pay your bills, is also the fastest route to a very dark and painful place. Become financially independent ASAP, so that you don’t have to spend 2/3 of your life working
  • Not Getting Strong, Muscular and Healthy – In your twenties, you tend to take your body and it’s youthfull strength and vitality for granted. That’s one of the biggest mistake that you could make. If you haven’t made healthy eating and regular training a habit in your twenties just wait for your thirties. You’ll really start to notice the aches and pains and the excess body fat piling up. You’ll feel less energy and vigor. You might even develop some diseases that you easily could’ve prevented.